A Full Service Barber & Styling Salon
We Cut Hair is a multicultural full service barber & styling salon that provides services to men, women, and children. We provide services for every type of hair. With over 25 years of experience, we are sure to please. Our staff are professionally trained in a variety of professional services including weaves, braids, haircuts, and styles.
Pam Baker
Owner & Master Barber
Servicing men, women, and children. Over 25 years experience
Diane Raydon
Color, Cut, and Style specialist
Servicing men, women, and children. Over 25 years experience
Ashley Harris
Hair stylist
Servicing men, women, and children.
Braids, extensions, locs, twists and blowouts for natural and relaxed hair
We are licensed barbers and stylist commented to providing the best services our clients desire.

Our Mission
Our goal is to exceed our customers expectations by providing a family friendly atmosphere, and by providing top services by well trained hair care professionals. Our professional staff is trained in the areas of diversity, as well as services, which includes color correction, hair care products, make-up, product knowledge, and hair care treatments for all types of hair. Our team is commented to improving our performance through continued education. We will also seek out new technology that will help market our business and improve our customer relations.